This year has been flying by fast. One point, I blinked and the next thing I know, bam!, it's already August!
I've been seeing hopeful TBRs on Instagram earlier today. I was tempted to post some of mine, but changed my mind. I've always been a moody reader, and it's been really prevalent lately. I noticed that I was reading a lot of sports romance, then I switched to books about dragons, and I read one of the best mpreg book I've ever read because of this. Now, I'm back to reading contemporary.
It's because of this that I scaled back on ARC reading. I'm afraid of DNF-ing just because my mood isn't into it and most of ARCs have review deadlines and that's not fair for the author.
Hopefully, I get out of this funk soon. There's a lot of new releases that I'm excited to read. I just need to get in the mood of reading that certain genre.
For August, as a hopeful reader, for my TBR, I hope to actually read Rainbow Rowell's Simon Snow trilogy.
Have you experienced something like this? Are you also a moody reader? How do you deal?