So… I’m in a predicament. Last April, I finally got the shelves and layout of my dreams. Nothing grandiose, just Billys from IKEA wrapped around my study.
Back then.. I was thinking “how the heck am I gonna fill these?”. I told myself the books I’ll keep are the ones I really like plus I want them to all be signed copies.
Well now, I have filled the shelves and have ran out of shelf space. 😆 I know I need one more narrow Billy, but for now, I settled with what I call a baby shelf from Target (which I’ve already filled).
I’m probably going to have to thin out my YA selection.
I've already told myself I need to dial back on book boxes and general book purchases. I already have tons of pre orders coming my way. But I already know that promising myself to pull back from book buying is one of the biggest lies I'm telling myself.