I flew in to St. Louis last night for the GRL book
signing events. I packed a suitcase filled with books I want my favorite authors to sign. I wish that was an exaggeration but when Southwest said two free checked bags max of 50lbs each, I was like “Bet!”.
I knew I wanted to take advantage of the Metro instead of getting an Uber from the airport to the hotel. That was a great idea, but terrible in reality.
I was pushing about 85lbs with both suitcases. Walking around with those was exhausting!
Then the ticket machine did not spit out my ticket after I paid for it. Luckily, a kind gentleman gave me his extra Metro ticket. He also said I reminded him of his friend. I apparently have a doppelgänger walking around STL. 😆
Today is the first day of the retreat and they had a smaller book signing. My hotel, The Westin, is across the street from the Hilton where GRL is being held. So I filled my backpack with the books I need signed. I came back with more books than I took with me.
Funny story though, when I got to the Hilton, I took the stairs to the second floor where the signing room is. I wasn’t sure I was at the right location, when I saw a ballroom to my left with people going in, I went that way. It looked and felt wrong, so I checked the sign and had a “holy crap” moment. It was an event for a Greek Orthodox Church. 😂 I was looking for the rainbows. I slowly pivoted and saw John Solo outside another ballroom across the hall and I knew that’s where I’m supposed to go. 😆
I wish I had the presence of mind to take photos during the signing, but I didn’t. I was nervous, my awkward was full force. I mean, these are some
of the authors who wrote some of my favorite stories, how am I supposed to act? Do I go up and say hi? Is it acceptable to fan girl? Help! 😆
I walked around for a bit until I got to Sam E Kraemer’s table and blurted out “Oh! I read these!!” followed by “Oh hi!” 😆 I bought some of her books and got a bag. She was so kind. I didn’t carry cash but I was able to pay her via PayPal when I got back to my room.
I also got to meet Eliot Grayson. She gave me a mug and I bought one of her latest book.
The most surreal thing was I went to lunch with Sam Burns (she was so kind to invite me), WM Fawkes, Abigail Kade, Shane Morton and Eliot Grayson along with a few readers. It was fun but also, wow.
Then later on, I met and got a hug from one of my most favorite author, Patricia Logan.
After all of that, I went back to my hotel room and put my feet up.
Tomorrow, I’m mailing some of these books home because I don’t feel like breaking my arms or suitcases carrying them home. I have more to take home because I have pre orders to pick up. 😆
All in all, today was a great day.